CBSE  CLASS 10   BOARD  2024 ALL IMPORTANT  QUESTIONS  COVERS ALL TOPICS .PRACTICE AND GET FUL MARKS   CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Important MCQs - Gap Filling Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the wangala Festival of Meghalaya.  1. The Wangala (i) __________ festival for the Garo in Meghalaya, Assam and Nagaland. It is a postharvest festival (ii) __________ the end of the agricultural year. It is popularly known as ‘The Hundred Drums’ festival. During the signature dance, the leading warrior (iii) __________ with synchronised 7 dance steps and specific hand-head movements.  (i) (a) is important  ( b) are an important  (c) was the important  (d) is an important  (ii) (a) being celebrated for marking ( b) celebrated to mark ( c) celebrate to mark  (d) being celebrated for mark  (iii) (a) leads the youngsters ( b) lead the youngsters ( c) was leading the youngsters  (d) had led the youngsters  Answer: (i)  (d) is an important (ii) (b) celebrate

The Voice of the Rain, Class 11 English Poem 3 Summary, Explanation, Question Answer

                             THE VOICE OF RAIN (HORNBILL) POEM 3

                                            BY KRISHAN KUMAR

The Voice of the Rain Class 11 | Poem 3 Explanation and Question Answer

Class 11 English (Hornbill Book) Poem 3 – The Voice of the Rain

By Walt Whitman

The poem ‘The Voice of the Rain’ is written by Walt Whitman. It is a conversation between the poet and the rain. The rain explains its eternal journey in its birth-place, i.e. earth to the poet.


In the poem, the poet asks the soft-falling shower, ‘Who are you?’ to which she replies that she is the poem of earth. It is a strange thing for the rain to reply to the poet.  The rain told the poet that she cannot be touched as she rises in the form of water vapour in the sky from the land and the bottomless sea. It changes its shape yet it remains the same. The vapour changes into clouds due to condensation.

द वॉयस ऑफ़ द रेन बारिश और साथ आने वाले जल चक्र को मनाता है जो जीवन का समर्थन करता है और पृथ्वी को लाभ पहुंचाता है। कवि ने बातचीत ’को याद करते हुए कहा कि वह गिरती हुई बारिश की बूंदों के साथ था। वह बारिश से पूछता है, ‘और तुम कौन हो?’ और अजीब तरह से, बारिश खुद को ‘पृथ्वी की कविता’ कहती है।

बारिश कहती है कि यह अमूर्त वाष्प के रूप में पैदा होती है जो पृथ्वी की भूमि और गहरे जल निकायों से अनंत काल तक बढ़ती है। यह बादलों के रूप में स्वर्ग की ओर ऊपर की ओर पहुँचती है, अभेद्य, अस्पष्ट रूप से बनती है और पूरी तरह से बदल जाती है।

It falls back on the surface of the earth to provide water to the drought-prone areas and to beautify and purify the earth (its birthplace). It provides life to the seeds inside the earth and helps them grow.

फिर भी, इसके मूल में, यह वैसा ही रहती है जैसा कि जन्म के समय थी। फिर, यह अपने मूल, पृथ्वी पर लौटती है, धूल को धोने के लिए बारिश की बूंदों के रूप में और सूखा-सूखा और भूमि को फिर से जीवंत करता है।

The rain doesn’t care if anyone bothers about her deeds or not, she completes her work and comes back home. The poet also compares the rain with a song as they both share a common journey. The song originates from the heart of the singer, travels across to fulfill the aim and comes back with due love for the singer (its originator).

कवि बारिश की तुलना एक कविता / गीत से करता है। एक गीत एक मानव के दिल में पैदा होता है और लोगों को खुशी देने के बाद और सभी सराहना के रूप में निर्माता के पास वापस आ जाते हैं। इसी प्रकार, पृथ्वी और अथाह समुद्र से वर्षा की उत्पत्ति होती है; बादलों के रूप में स्वर्ग तक चढ़ता है और अपने जन्मस्थान (पृथ्वी) को आनंद देने के लिए नीचे आता है और इसे स्वच्छ, शुद्ध और सुंदर बनाता है


Who art thou – Who are you

Eternal – never-ending

Impalpable – which cannot be described

Whence – where

Vaguely – not clearly

Descend – come down

Lave – wash; bathe

Atomies – small particles

Latent – hidden/buried

The Voice of the Rain Poem Question and Answers


1. There are two voices in the poem. Who do they belong to? Which lines indicate this?

Ans: The two voices in the poem are the ‘voice of the rain’ and the ‘voice of the poet’. The lines which indicate the voice of the rain are ‘I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain’ and the lines which indicate the voice of the poet are ‘And who art thou? said I to the soft-falling shower’.


2. What does the phrase “strange to tell” mean?

Ans: The phrase ‘strange to tell’ means that it was strange for the soft-falling rain to reply to the poet’s question. When the poet asked the rain ‘who art thou?’ the rain replied ‘I am the Poem of Earth’.


3. There is a parallel drawn between rain and music. Which words indicate this? Explain the similarity between the two.

Ans: The lines ‘For the song, issuing from its birth-place, after fulfillment, wandering Reck’d or unreck’d, duly with love returns’ draws a parallel between rain and music. Here, the poet compares the life-cycle of the rain and the song. As the song originated from the heart of the singer, wanders to the world, whether liked or not, comes back to its birth-place in the end with lots of love. Similarly, the rain that originates from earth (birth-place), fulfills its duty to beautify and purify the earth and wanders and comes back with love for its creator.

4. List the pairs of opposites found in the poem.

Ans: 1. Day, Night

2. Reck’d, Unreck’d

3. Rise, Descend

5. How does the rain justify its claim: “I am the Poem of Earth’”?

Ans: The rain narrates the journey of its life—from birth to return to origin in mythical terms. The facts are scientific but the phrases that convey them are metaphoric and literary. The whole journey has a beauty and charm associated with a poem.



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