CBSE  CLASS 10   BOARD  2024 ALL IMPORTANT  QUESTIONS  COVERS ALL TOPICS .PRACTICE AND GET FUL MARKS   CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Important MCQs - Gap Filling Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the wangala Festival of Meghalaya.  1. The Wangala (i) __________ festival for the Garo in Meghalaya, Assam and Nagaland. It is a postharvest festival (ii) __________ the end of the agricultural year. It is popularly known as ‘The Hundred Drums’ festival. During the signature dance, the leading warrior (iii) __________ with synchronised 7 dance steps and specific hand-head movements.  (i) (a) is important  ( b) are an important  (c) was the important  (d) is an important  (ii) (a) being celebrated for marking ( b) celebrated to mark ( c) celebrate to mark  (d) being celebrated for mark  (iii) (a) leads the youngsters ( b) lead the youngsters ( c) was leading the youngsters  (d) had led the youngsters  Answer: (i)  (d) is an important (ii) (b) celebrate

exercises of preposition and definition (grammar section )



A preposition is a word used to link nounspronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a sentence.  Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns. In some cases, you’ll find prepositions in front of gerund forms

Prepositions of Time

  • I was born on July 4th, 1982. 
  • I was born in 1982.
  • I was born at exactly 2am.
  • I was born two minutes before my twin brother.
  • I was born after the Great War ended.

For years, months, seasons, centuries and times of day, use the preposition in:

  • I first met John in 1987.
  • It’s always cold in January
  • Easter falls in spring each year.
  • The Second World War occurred in the 20th century.
  • We eat breakfast in the morning.

For days, dates and specific holiday days, use the preposition on.

  1. We go to school on Mondays, but not on Sunday
  2. Christmas is on December 25th.
  3. Buy me a present on my birthday.

For times, indicators of exception and festivals, use the preposition at:

  • Families often argue at Christmas time.
  • I work faster at night.
  • Her shift finished at 7pm.

Before and after should be much easier to understand than the other examples of prepositions of time. Both are used to explain when something happened, happens or will happen, but specifically in relation to another thing.

  • Before I discovered this bar, I used to go straight home after work.
  • We will not leave before 3pm.
  • David comes before Bryan in the line, but after Louise.

On is used when referring to something with a surface:

  • The sculpture hangs on the wall.
  • The images are on the page.

to usually serves to highlight that there is movement towards a specific destination.

  • He has gone on vacation to France.
  • She went to the bowling alley every Friday last summer.
  • I will go to bed when I am tired.
  • They will go to the zoo if they finish their errands.

Across refers to moving from one side to another.

  • Mike travelled across America on his motorcycle.

Through refers to moving directly inside something and out the other end

Into refers to entering or looking inside something.

  • James went into the room.
  • They stare into the darkness.

some special cases when some verb with particular preposition..... 

Verb + to:

  • He admitted to the charge.
  • go to Vancouver on vacation twice a year.
  • William can relate to the character in the play.

Verb + for:

  • He must apologize for his actions.
  • We searched for ages before we found the perfect apartment.
  • provide for my family by working two jobs.

Verb + with:

  • I don’t agree with your claim.
  • The lawyer said he will meet with your representatives.
  • They began with a quick warm-up.

Verb + of:

  • dream of a better life.
  • Have you heard of Shakespeare?
  • The bread consists of dough, raisins and a little honey.

Verb + in:

  • Does Rick believe in miracles?
  • Fallon lives in New York.
  • The bus accident resulted in my being late to work.

Verb + at

  1. We arrived at our destination.
  2. Ilene excels at singing.
  3. Will the baby smile at her mother?

Verb + on:

  • We should really concentrate on our studies now.
  • Helen insisted on Brenda’s company.
  • Morris experimented on some canvas.

Verb + from:

  • Since turning 80, she suffers from lapses in concentration.
  • Dad retired from the navy in the 1970s.
  • Billy Bob, please refrain from doing that.


Something in the middle of two objects or things (or places)

Example: The English Channel is between France and England.


In the middle of or surrounded by other people or things

Example: Mary is popular among the students.


In a higher position than something else

Example: The helicopter hovered above the house.


Lower than something else

Example: A small stream runs below that bridge


Exercise 1

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how prepositions work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. The bone was _______ the dog.
a. About
b. For
c. After
d. Considering

2. We are going on vacation _______ August.
a. On
b. At
c. In
d. Since

3. Please put the vase ________ the table.
a. In
b. On
c. For
d. Over

4. I received a present ________ Janet.
a. From
b. Of
c. By
d. About

5. School begins ________ Monday.
a. In
b. On
c. From
d. Since

Exercise 2

1. This material is different ________ that. (from/to/with)
2. You should explain this ________ them. (to/at/with)
3. He has been absent. ________ Monday. (since/for/from)
4. I haven’t been to the theatre ________ a long time. (since/for/from)
5. He goes ________ school by car. (to/at/on)
6. This is a comfortable house to live ________ (on/at/in)
7. They are called ________ different names. (by/with/for)
8. We should not spend money ________ luxuries. (for/on/with)
9. I gave him a chair to sit ________ (on/at/in)
10. The new term begins ________ June 1st. (on/in/from)

Exercise 3

1. He is very weak __________ (at, in, on) Geography but is good __________ (on, at, in) all other subjects.
2. The poet is famous __________ (for, in, at) his humorous poems.
3. Be careful __________ (at, with, of) that man if you are doing business with him. He is capable __________ (at, with, of) the meanest tricks.
4. He is annoyed __________ (at, with, about) me for losing his favourite pen.
5. Is she familiar __________ (at, with, for) this type of work? If she isn’t, we must find something she is more fit __________ (of, for, at).
6. Kamla is keen __________ (at, on, in) music and literature while her sister is more interested __________ (at, on, in) outdoor games.
7. Pooja was angry __________ (with, at, about) Alok when she found out that Alok had got rid of the cat which she was very fond __________ (of, with, at).
8. Although that handicapped person is incapable __________ (at, in, of) doing heavy work, he is adept __________ (in, at, on) weaving baskets.
9. The hotel is adjacent __________ (of, to, by) the railway station. The accommodation that it provides is adequate __________ (of, with, for) your needs.
10. She is gifted __________ (at, with, by) a talent for writing and is very successful __________ (in, at, with) her job as a journalist.

Exercise 4

(i) If you want to go ________ bus, you have to go the bus stop.
(ii) You look ________ the time table.
(iii) Then you wait ________ your bus.
(iv) When the bus arrives. You get ________ the bus.
(v) You buy a ticket ________ the driver or show your ticket ________ the driver.

(vi) When you arrive. ________ your destination, you get ________ the bus.
(vii) Sometimes you even have to change buses ________ another bus stop.

(i) Peter is playing tennis ________ Sunday.
(ii) My brother’s birthday is ________ the 5th of November.
(iii) My birthday is ________ May.
(iv) We are going to see my parents ________ the weekend.
(v) ________ 1666, a great fire broke out in London.
(vi) I don’t like walking alone in the streets ________ night.
(vii) What are you doing ________ the afternoon?
(viii) My friend has been living in Canada ________ two years.
(ix) I have been waiting for you ________ seven o’clock.
(x) I will have finished this essay ________ Friday.

Exercise 6

  1. Ram asked Shyam to give the letter…… his boss.
    (a) with
    (b) over
    (c) to
    (d) from
  2. Delhi is famous……. its street food.
    (a) from
    (b) for
    (c) with
    (d) among
  3. The family welcomed the guests…. great warmth.
    (a) from
    (b) to
    (c) with
    (d) in
  4. Lalit warned his sister to be beware….. that boy.
    (a) from
    (b) to
    (c) of
    (d) with
  5. The boy was not interested……….studies.
    (a) for
    (b) in
    (c) to
    (d) with

Exercise 7

1. When I wrote …………………….. him, he came at once. (for / to / no preposition)
2. Can you explain this …………………………… me? (for / to / with)

3. He goes to work ………………………….. foot. (by / on / with)

4. I am quite confident …………………………. success. (of / about / on)

5. The old man divided the money ……………………… his two sons. (between / among)

6. I am obliged …………………………. you for this good turn. (to / of / with)

7. They have invited me ……………………………. Dinner. (for / to / of)

8. He has been cured …………………………… his illness. (with / of / from)

9. Is there any cure ………………………….. cancer? (of / for / to)

10. Don’t throw stones ………………………….. the river. (into / on / at)

11. Don’t throw stones ……………………………. the dog. (at / into / on)

12. I need a house to live ……………………………. (on / in / at)

Exercise 8

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. Were you quarrelling _____________ Monu just now ? I heard you shouting _____________ him. (with, to, at)

2. Hurry _____________ ! It’s already a quarter _____________ six. We’re supposed to be there _____________ six. ( by, to, up, to )

3. She fell _____________ her bicycle as she was cycling _____________ the hill _____________ her house _____________ the top. ( up, from, to, at, down)

4. The thief jumped _____________ the window and ran _____________ the garden path _____________ the gate. ( on, to, through, down )

5. There was a lovely dress _____________ sale _____________ the shop _____________ the supermarket. She was tempted to buy it, but she didn’t have enough money _____________ her _____________ that moment. ( at, near, on, with, at, in, for)

6. We saw a cat _____________ top _____________ the cupboard. It was afraid to come _____________, so I stood a chair, caught hold _____________ it and brought it _____________ (on, down, down, of, of, on, in)

8. He dived _____________ the pond and swam _____________ the little girl. Catching hold _____________ the girl he started to swim _____________ the bank. (to, towards, into, back, of)

9. He spoke _____________ me _____________ just a few minutes. He said that he was _____________ a hurry since he had an appointment _____________ an old friend _____________ half an hour’s time. (in, with, to, in, for, by)

10. I was listening _____________ the news _____________ the radio when the lights went _____________ suddenly. I jumped out _____________ my chair when I felt something brush _____________ me. I was so startled that I screamed _____________ fright. ( of, on, out, with, against, to, for)

11. If you come _____________ Bhuvan _____________ your way _____________ town, will you please tell him that I shall be waiting _____________ him _____________ Monday to discuss something _____________ him? Tell him that it is _____________ great importance. ( across, on, with, for, of, on, to, back)

12. Our car broke _____________ while we were passing _____________ the village. The three _____________ us managed to push the car _____________ the nearest garage _____________ repairs. We continued the journey _____________ foot and reached our place _____________ midnight. ( at, through, on, for, down, of, to, by)

Exercise 9

1. I was amazed —————- her brilliant performance.

a) with b) at c) by d) to

2. He is afflicted —————– a serious ailment.
a) to b) by c) of d) with

3. Tea does not agree ————— me.
a) upon b) to c) with d) none of these

4. You must apologize ————— him for your rude behaviour.
a) with b) to c) at d) for

5. Is it possible to achieve just about everything one aims ————–?
a) at b) to c) with d) of

6. She often boasts —————– her aristocratic upbringing.
a) about b) of c) at d) with

7. Don’t brood ————– your past failures.
a) with b) at c) by d) over

8. We decided to call ——————- on the principal.
a) at b) on c) for d) with

9. He has been charged —————– the murder of his landlady.
a) out b) with c) by d) from

10. During the cold war era, the US and the USSR were competing ———– each other for world domination.
a) at b) with c) of d) to

11. She deals —————— antique furniture.
a) at b) with c) in d) of

12. Never deviate ——————– the path of truth and virtue.
a) to b) from c) with d) out

13. Eventually she complied ————– my requests.
a) at b) with c) at d) from

14. There is no cure —————– AIDS yet.
a) of b) for c) by d) with

15. She is keen ——————– pursuing higher education in the US.
a) at b) on c) with d) none

16. This novel makes several allusions —————- Greek mythology.
a) at b) with c) to d) of

17. He was anxious —————– contact his parents.
a) about b) of c) at d) to

18. She has an aptitude —————- science.
a) to b) for c) with d) none of these

19. The indulgent mother is always blind —————- her children’s faults.
a) at b) with c) to d) none of these

20. He was brought —————– by his grand parents.
a) about b) out c) in d) up

21. He is addicted —————– gambling.
a) with b) to c) at d) by

22. The robbers broke —————- the shop and looted it.
a) down b) away c) into d) off

23. She accused me —————— stealing her flowers.
a) about b) of c) with d) from

24. Be sure to avail yourself ————– this opportunity.
a) to b) with c) of d) on

25. She is always busy ————– something or the other.
a) at b) with c) by d) from

Exercise 10

1. He was deaf —————- all our requests.

a) at
b) to
c) with
d) on

2. Regular exercise is beneficial ——————- health.

a) with
b) for
c) to
d) of

3. Are you conscious —————– your responsibility in this matter?

a) about
b) of
c) after
d) on

4. We regret that we cannot comply —————– your request.

a) to
b) with
c) at
d) on

5. The Ph.D degree was conferred ———————- him at the convocation.

a) at
b) with
c) on
d) for

6. He congratulated her —————– her new job.

a) at
b) for
c) on
d) with

7. He is thoroughly conversant —————- the problem.

a) about
b) with
c) of
d) around

8. The principal has called —————– an explanation from the striking leaders.

a) on
b) for
c) at
d) out

9. I don’t care —————– your objections: I have decided to do it.

a) of
b) for
c) after
d) with

10. He fell —————- the displeasure of authorities.

a) off
b) after
c) from
d) under

11. A committee was appointed to inquire ——————- the accident.

a) about
b) into
c) after
d) of

12. I inquired ———————- him whether he would come with us.

a) about
b) of
c) into
d) after

13. She insisted ——————- my leaving the room.

a) of
b) on
c) at
d) with

14. We must guard —————– anti-social elements exploiting the students.

a) with
b) for
c) against
d) no preposition

15. She instantly jumped —————– the conclusion that I was against her plans.

a) at
b) to
c) on
d) with

16. This is a custom peculiar ——————- the Nagas.

a) with
b) at
c) to
d) of

17. We partook —————- the humble meal provided by the villagers.

a) with

b) of
c) at
d) from

18. It occurred —————– me that we should seek his opinion.

a) on
b) with
c) at
d) to

19. We all look —————– him for help and guidance.

a) at
b) up to
c) on
d) up

20. We must provide facilities ——————- recreation.

a) for
b) to
c) with
d) no preposition

21. They are now reconciled —————— their lot.

a) with
b) to
c) at
d) of

22. He has great regard ——————- his parents and elders.

a) of
b) for
c) with
d) at

23. We have run —————- kerosene.

a) of
b) off
c) out off
d) out of

24. He is wanting —————- manners.

a) of
b) off
c) in
d) with

25. He is worthy —————– our reverence and esteem.

a) of
b) on
c) in
d) at

To verify your answer u can write me in comment section .......

hope u like all the exercises. in case u face any difficulty u can write to me r msg me r u can also subscribe my youtube channel.


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