CBSE  CLASS 10   BOARD  2024 ALL IMPORTANT  QUESTIONS  COVERS ALL TOPICS .PRACTICE AND GET FUL MARKS   CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Important MCQs - Gap Filling Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the wangala Festival of Meghalaya.  1. The Wangala (i) __________ festival for the Garo in Meghalaya, Assam and Nagaland. It is a postharvest festival (ii) __________ the end of the agricultural year. It is popularly known as ‘The Hundred Drums’ festival. During the signature dance, the leading warrior (iii) __________ with synchronised 7 dance steps and specific hand-head movements.  (i) (a) is important  ( b) are an important  (c) was the important  (d) is an important  (ii) (a) being celebrated for marking ( b) celebrated to mark ( c) celebrate to mark  (d) being celebrated for mark  (iii) (a) leads the youngsters ( b) lead the youngsters ( c) was leading the youngsters  (d) had led the youngsters  Answer: (i)  (d) is an important (ii) (b) celebrate

Reported Speech Dialogue Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers


CBSE Class 10 English reporting dialogue worksheet.

all these are important questions taken from previous cbse class 10 board exams 
practice these will really helps u a lot in scoring good marks. best of luck


Question 1.
Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows:

Principal: Why were you absent last week?
Student: I was absent because I was not well.
Principal: What will happen to your studies now?
Student: I will work hard to complete them.

The Principal asked the student (a)…………. The student replied (b)……………. The Principal was concerned and asked (c)………… The student replied that he would study hard to complete them.

Question 2.
Read the conversations given below. Based on your reading, fill in the blanks appropriately.

Julie: When is the fancy- dress competition in your school?
Mona: It is after two weeks.
Julie: Are you taking part in it?
Mona: Yes, I am taking part as an engine driver.
Julie: Why have you chosen that?
Mona: So that I can reach late.
Julie asked Mona when the fancy dress competition in her school was. To that

Mona replied that (a) ____________ Julie enquired whether (b) ____________ Mona said that she was taking part as an engine driver. Julie asked why (c) ____________ She answered (d) ____________.

Question 3.
Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows :

Haiku: The landlord has come. Take out the money you have set aside.
Wife: But there are only three’ hundred rupees. If you give them to him, where is the blanket going to come from?
Haiku: Don’t worry. I will figure out some other plan.

Haiku told his wife that the landlord had come, she should take out (a) ……………. His wife said that (b)…………and asked him if he gave them to him (c)…………

Question 4.
Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows : 

Ali: Omar, why don’t you leave this place? I can drop you on my way back home.
Omar: I have no home.
Ali: Where have you come from?
Omar: From Tunisia.

Ali asked Omar (a)………………..and offered to (b)……………….. Omar replied that he had no home. Then Ali asked (c)……………….. Omar told him that he had come from Tunisia.

Question 5.
Read the following conversation between a mother and son and then complete the paragraph

Mother: You seem so tired. Take some rest.
Suraj: I can’t even think of relaxing. I have lots of homework to do.
Mother: You should not take so much of stress.
Suraj: Don’t worry. Please give me a hot cup of tea.

Mother said to Suraj that (a)…………………… Suraj replied that (b)…………………… The mother advised him not to take so much of stress. Suraj told his mother (c)……………………

Question 6.
Given below are instructions for making soup. Use these to complete the blanks in the paragraph that follows.

The packet containing the soup powder (a) ____________ opened and the contents mixed with 750 ml of water without allowing it to form lumps. The mixture (b) ____________ into a heavy-bottomed vessel. It stirred continuously and brought to boil. The soup (c) ____________ on a slow flame for five minutes. Finally after the soup is ready, it is (d) ____________.

Question 7.
Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: 

Raju: Do you know Varun was hit by a two-wheeler yesterday?
Arun: Oh no! When did it happen?
Raju: He was hit scooter on his way back from school.
Arun: he badly hurt?

Raju asked Arun (a)………………….. Arun shocked and wanted to know when (b)………………….. Raju replied that (c)………………….. Arun enquired if he badly hurt.

Question 8.
Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: 

Vani: Harika, are you going to join the Dramatics Club with me?
Harika: No, I am going to join the Adventure Club.
Vani: I have joined the Adventure Club, but I am very scared of heights.
Harika: If that is the case, join the Dramatics Club.

Vani asked Harika (a)…………………….. Harika said that (b)……………………. Adventure Club. To this Vani replied (c) ……………………. Adventure Club, but she very scared of heights. Harika advised her to join the Dramatics Club.

Question 9.
Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows:

Pig: See how strong and hefty I am. Even the Jumbo was afraid of me.
Animals: Jumbo, was it out of horror?
Jumbo: I could have happily crushed the dirty pig under my heels but I avoided it so that I do not become dirty.

The jaunty pig said (a)……………………….. He further added (b)……………………….. All the animals enquired of Jumbo if that had been out of horror. Jumbo replied that he could have happily crushed the dirty pig under his heels but he (c)………………………..

Question 10.
Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks)

Rohan: When is the fancy dress competition at your school?
Seema: It is after two weeks.
Rohan: Are you taking part in it?
Seema: Yes, I am taking part as a caterpillar.
Rohan: Why have you chosen that?
Seema: So that I can reach late.

Rohan asked Seema (a)……………………….. Seema replied (b)……………………….. Rohan enquired (c)………………….. Seema said that she was taking part as a caterpillar. Rohan asked why she had chosen that. Seema answered so that she could reach late

Question 11.
Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows : 

Customer: Why is the meal so sour?
Waiter: Nobody has complained for five days sir, about the meal.
Customer: What! Where is the Manager?
Waiter: He has gone to some other hotel to take dinner, sir.

One day a customer was taking dinner in a hotel. He asked the waiter why (a)………………………. The waiter told him (b) ……………………….. At this, the customer shocked and wanted to know where the Manager was. The waiter replied (c) ………………………..

Question 12.
Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows : 

Teacher: Did you brush your hair this morning?
Asha: Yes, I did, but the wind blew it about while I was coming to school.
Teacher: Wear a hairband tomorrow.

The teacher asked Asha (a)…………………….. Asha replied that she had, but the wind (b)…………………….while she had been coming to school. The teacher instructed her (c)………………………

Question 13.
Read the following conversation and complete the paragraph that follows : (3 marks)

Mother: Rita, finish your food.
Rita: I don’t want to have this food. You never give me a pizza or burger.
Mother: They are not good for health. You had pizza at your friend’s birthday party last evening.
Rita: OK, then give me French fries and shake. ‘
Mother: If you live only on junk food, you will spoil your health.

Mother told Rita (a)……………………….. Rita replied that (b)……………………….and told her mother that she never gave her a pizza or burger. Mother said that they were not good for health and reminded her (c)…………………… Rita then asked her mother to give her french fries and a shake. Mother warned her that if she lived only on junk food, she would spoil her health.

Question 14.
Read the conversation/dialogue given below and complete the paragraph that follows:

Patient: I want an appointment with the doctor for this evening.
Receptionist: I’m sorry, I can’t give you an appointment before the 20th.
Patient: But I could be dead by then!
Receptionist: That’s all right. I’ll ring up your wife and cancel the appointment in that case.

The patient (a)…………………..evening. The receptionist (b)………………… appointment before the 20th. The patient (c)…………………… The receptionist replied that it was all right as she would ring up his wife and cancel the appointment in that case.

Question 15.
Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows: 

Patient: Good afternoon. I need to get an E.C.G. done. .
Receptionist: Sorry. Our machine is not working. You can come tomorrow.
Patient: What! But I think I’m having a heart attack now.
Receptionist: Oh! In that case, 1 will book you for a bypass and inform our Senior Cardiologist.

A patient went to the doctor’s clinic, greeted the receptionist, and said that (a)………………………. The receptionist apologized and told him (b) ………………………. She also added that (c) ……………………….. The patient reacted angrily and said he thought he was having a heart attack. To this, the receptionist replied that in that case she could book him for a bypass and inform their Senior Cardiologist.

2. Process Writing 

Question 1.
Given below are instructions on how to make cold coffee. Refer to the given notes and complete the paragraph : 

  • Pour 3/4 of a glass of cold milk in the mixer.
  • Add one teaspoonful of sugar and half a teaspoonful coffee powder to it.
  • Add a few ice cubes.
  • Switch on the mixer.
  • Coffee and sugar would blend with the milk and froth would appear on top.
  • Switch off the mixer.
  • Pour cold coffee in a tall glass.
  • Serve it cold.

To prepare cold coffee 3/4 of a glass of cold milk (a)…………………. One teaspoonful of sugar and half a teaspoonful of coffee powder (b)…………………to it. A few ice cubes are also added to this. The mixer (c)…………………. When froth appears on the milk, the mixer is switched off. After pouring it in a tall glass it is served cold.

Question 2.
Given below are the instructions on How to Make Orange Squash. Refer, to the notes and complete the paragraph given below: (3 marks)

  • Take 1 dozen fully ripe oranges
  • Remove the rind
  • Extract the juice
  • Strain through a thick cloth
  • Mix 1 /2 kg sugar, 1 /2 tea-spoonful citric acid
  • Add a pinch of potassium meta-bisulfate, a few drops of colour and essence
  • Stir till thoroughly dissolved

One dozen fully ripe oranges are taken. Their rinds (a)…………………and the juice (b)………………… Then the juice (c)…………………through a thick cloth into a stainless steel vessel. 1/2 kg of sugar, 1/2 teaspoonful of citric acid, a pinch of potassium meta – bisulphate, a few drops of colour and essence are added to the juice. The mixture is stirred till it is thoroughly dissolved.

Question 3.
Given below are a set of instructions for using a clinical thermometer. Complete the paragraph describing the process of using a clinical thermometer:

  • Wash the thermometer with fresh water thoroughly.
  • Stake it well to bring down the reading below 37°C.
  • Place the die bulb of the thermometer under the patient’s tongue.
  • Ask the patient to keep the mouth closed.
  • Keep the thermometer under the patient’s tongue for at least 2 minutes.
  • Take out the thermometer and read the temperature.

How to Use a Clinical Thermometer

The clinical thermometer (a)…………………with freshwater and the reading (b)…………………by shaking it well. Then the bulb of the thermometer (c)…………………under the patient’s tongue and he is asked to keep the mouth closed. The thermometer should kept there for at least two minutes. It is then taken out and the temperature is read.

Question 4.
Given below are instructions on how to make lemonade. Refer to the notes and complete the paragraph:

  • Take a glass of water.
  • Add four spoonfuls of sugar.
  • Squeeze the juice of a lemon and add.
  • Add salt, roasted cumin seed powder, and ice.
  • Serve chilled.

To prepare lemonade, a glass of water is taken and four spoonfuls of sugar (a)…………………to it. A lemon (b)…………………and juice is added to it. Salt, roasted cumin seed powder and ice (c)…………………. It is served chilled.

Question 5.
Given below are instructions on how to make instant coffee. Refer to the given notes and complete the paragraph: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,083)

Put coffee powder and sugar into a cup – pour some hot milk – stir it well for 5 minutes – add hot milk to it – Add a pinch of cinnamon powder for flavour – serve hot.

To prepare instant coffee, coffee powder, and sugar (a)…………………in a cup. Some hot water (b)…………………into the cup and the mixture is (c)…………………for about 5 minutes. Hot milk is then added to it. It is then served hot with cinnamon powder for taste.

Question 6.
Given below are instructions to make tomato soup. Read the given notes and complete the paragraph that follows: (3 marks) (Board Term-12012, Set EC2,018)

Place tomatoes in a pan-fill the pan with water–add onions and green chilies –cook for 10 min.-remove from the pan–peel tomatoes–grind tomatoes, onion, green chilies–add salt to taste–boil and serve hot.

To prepare tomato soup tomatoes (a)…………………in a pan and the pan is filled with water. Onions and green chilies (b)…………………and cooked for 10 minutes. Tomatoes are then (c)…………………and peeled. Tomatoes, onions, and chilies are ground. After adding salt the mixture is boiled and served hot.

Question 7.
Given below are the instructions on dyeing a piece of cloth. Refer to the given notes and complete the , sentences given below: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,039)

  • Take a strong, white-coloured cotton cloth.
  • Boil water and add the desired colour.
  • Dip the cloth in coloured hot water and soak it for half an hour.
  • Take the cloth out
  • Spread the cloth and let it dry.
A strong, white-coloured cotton cloth taken. Water (a)…………………and the desired colour (b)…………………. The cloth (c)…………………in the coloured water for half an hour. The cloth taken out. Finally, it spread and allowed to dry.

Question 8.
Given below are the instructions on how to use a thesaurus. Refer to the given notes and complete the paragraph: (3 marks) (Board Term-1 2012, Set EC2,061)

  • Locate the word for which you need synonyms in the Thesaurus.
  • Note the number given after that word.
  • Look up the alternatives listed against that number.
  • Choose the one that best suits the purpose.

First, the word for which (a)…………………in the Thesaurus. Next, the number given noted. After these alternatives listed (b)…………………. Finally, the one best (c)………………….

Question 9.
Read the instructions given below and complete the following: (3 marks) (Board Term-12012, Set EC2,053)

  • Don’t leave valuables inside your vehicle.
  • Do not display large sums of cash in public.
  • Don’t touch any unidentified object.
  • Do not get distracted by unknown persons trying to approach you with any offer of help.

Make your city safe and sound by following certain instructions. No valuables (a)…………………inside a vehicle as they may attract anti-social elements. While carrying cash it (b)…………………. If we find some unidentified object lying in the market it (c)………………… We should not get distracted by unknown persons trying to approach us with an offer to help.


Answer:  1.
(a) why he had been absent the previous week.
(b) that he had been absent because he had not been well.
(c) what would happen to his studies then?

Answer:  2
(a) it was after two weeks.
(b) whether/if she was taking part in it.
(c) she had chosen that.
(d) then/so that she could reach late.

Answer:  3
(a) the money she had set aside.
(b) that there were only three hundred rupees.
(c) where the blanket was going to come from.

Answer:  4
(a) why he didn’t leave that place.
(b) drop him on his way back home.
(c) where he had come from.

Answer:  5
(a) he seemed so tired and advised him to take a rest.
(b) he could not even think of relaxing as he had lots of homework to do.
(c) not to worry and requested her to give him a hot cup of tea.

Answer:  6
(a) is opened
(b) is poured
(c) is simmered
(d) is poured into the soup bowls and served

Answer: 7.

(a) if he knew that Varun had been hit two-wheeler the previous day.
(b) it had happened. .
(c) he had been hit scooter on his way back from school.

Answer:  8
(a) if she was going to join the Dramatics Club with her.
(b) she was going to join the
(c) she too would have joined the

Answer:  9
(a) that he was very strong and hefty
(b) that even the Jumbo had been afraid of him.
(c) had avoided it so that he did not become dirty.

Answer:  10
(a) when the fancy dress competition in her school was.
(b) that it was after two weeks.
(c) whether she was taking part in that

Answer:  11
(a) the meal was so sour.
(b) that nobody had complained for five days about the meal.
(c) that he had gone to some other hotel to take dinner.

Answer:  12
(a) if she had brushed her hair that morning.
(b) had blown it about.
(c) to wear a hairband the next day.

Answer:  13
(a) to finish her food.
(b) she did not want to have that food
(c) that she had pizza at her friend’s birthday party the evening before.

Answer:  14

(a) told the receptionist that he wanted an appointment with the doctor for that
(b) replied that she was sorry but she could not give him
(c) exclaimed that he could be dead by then

Answer:  15
(a) he needed to get an E.C.G. done.
(b) that their machine was not working.
(c) he could come the next day.

Process Writing   ANSWERS

Answer:  1
(a) is taken
(b) are added
(c) is switched on

Answer:  2
(a) are removed
(b) is extracted
(c) is strained
Answer:  3
(a) is washed
(b)) is brought down
(c) is placed

Answer:  4
(a) are added
(b) is squeezed
(c) are added and stirred

Answer:  5
(a) is put
(b) is poured
(c) stirred

Answer:  6
(a) are placed
(b) are added
(c) removed from the pan

Answer:  7
(a) is boiled
(b) is added to it
(c) is soaked

Answer:  8
(a) synonyms are needed located
(b) are looked up against the number
(c) that suits the purpose chosen

Answer:  9
(a) should be left
(b) should not be displayed in public
(c) should not be touched.


To convert a Direct speech into an Indirect speech, we have to make some necessary changes.
Change No.1. Remove the commas and inverted commas. Use any conjunction.

Change No.2. In Reported Speech, there are some words which show nearness, but they are always converted into words which show distance.

They are as follows:

todaybecomesthat day
tonightbecomesthat night
yesterdaybecomesthe previous day
last nightbecomesthe previous night
last weekbecomesthe previous week
tomorrowbecomesthe following day
next weekbecomesthe following week

Note. ‘Come’ is changed into ‘go’ only in that case when any word showing nearness is given with it.
Change No. 3. Change of Person. There are three types of Person in English language which are as follows:

1. First-personI
2. Second PersonYouYourYou
3. Third PersonHe

Change No. 4. If the reporting verb is in Present or in Future Tense, there is no change in the tense of the Reported Speech. If the reporting verb is in Past Tense, there is always a change in the tense of the Reported Speech, which is as follows:

  1. Present Indefinite is changed into Past Indefinite
  2. Present Continuous is changed into Past Continuous
  3. Present Perfect is changed into Past Perfect
  4. Present Perfect Continuous is changed into Past Perfect Continuous
  5. Past Indefinite is changed into Past Perfect
  6. Past Continuous is changed into Past Perfect Continuous
  7. Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous remain unchanged

In case of Future Tense, there are only four words which are changed, i.e.



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