CBSE  CLASS 10   BOARD  2024 ALL IMPORTANT  QUESTIONS  COVERS ALL TOPICS .PRACTICE AND GET FUL MARKS   CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Important MCQs - Gap Filling Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the wangala Festival of Meghalaya.  1. The Wangala (i) __________ festival for the Garo in Meghalaya, Assam and Nagaland. It is a postharvest festival (ii) __________ the end of the agricultural year. It is popularly known as ‘The Hundred Drums’ festival. During the signature dance, the leading warrior (iii) __________ with synchronised 7 dance steps and specific hand-head movements.  (i) (a) is important  ( b) are an important  (c) was the important  (d) is an important  (ii) (a) being celebrated for marking ( b) celebrated to mark ( c) celebrate to mark  (d) being celebrated for mark  (iii) (a) leads the youngsters ( b) lead the youngsters ( c) was leading the youngsters  (d) had led the youngsters  Answer: (i)  (d) is an important (ii) (b) celebrate

Class 9th English English Moments Word Meanings CH 1 THE LOST CHILD


Class 9th                                      

 BOOK   MOMENT          

Word Meanings


1Emergedcame outनिकलनाjut, supervene, escape
2Brimming overto be full of somethingलबालब भरा होनाchoke, deluge, drown.
3Lagged behindwas left behindपीछे रह गयाcreep, dally, dawdle.
4Fascinated byattracted toसे मंत्रमुग्धengross, captivate, absorb
5Lined the waywere set up along the way.रास्ता तय कियाcued, lined up
6Lingeringlasting for a long timeविलंब करने वालाremaining, surviving, persisting
7Farthermore distant in spaceबहुत दूरat a greater distance, beyond, longer
8Suppressput an end toअंत करनाfinish, suppress, nip
9Coldwithout any feelings, emotionsउदासीनindifferent, nostalgic, effortless
10Tyranta cruel and oppressive rulerअत्याचारीfelon, despot, oppressor
11Meltedbecame tender and lovingPale: dull, colourlessपिघला हुआliquefy, thaw, unfreeze
12Gaudyextremely bright and showyभड़कीलाgarish, spectacular, shy
13Abreastside by side and facing the same wayबराबरappositional, closely
14Teeming outto pour or empty outबाहर निकाल रहा हैfilled, overflowing, packed.
15Grovea small wood or group of treesवृक्षवाटिकाorchard, plantation, spinney
16Capersa playful skipping movementकेपर्सromp, jig, frisk
17Throngshuge crowdsभीड़multitude, mob, horde
18Converginggatheringपरिवर्तित करनाmeet, intersect, cross
19Heededpaid attention toमन लगानाmake shift, bestir, notice
20Overwhelminga very strong emotionएक बहुत ही भावुक भावनाprofuse, enormous, immense
21Forbiddennot allowedमना किया हुआunaccredited, undistinguished, unauthorized
22Coarseunpleasantअपरिष्कृतunrefined, crude, unsophisticated
23Hither and thitherhere and thereइधर उधरback and forth, thereabouts
24Intentlycarefullyआशय सेattentively, closely, keenly
25Congestedfull ofअधिक भरा हुआcrowded, cram-full, thronged
26Heftylarge and heavyभारीheavy, sturdy, massive, weighty
27Thrustpushधक्ख्काpress, drive, plunge
28Knockedhitखटखटायाthump, belittle, bounce
29Brutalharsh, roughक्रूरruthless, ferocious, violent
30Trampledcrushedकुचल डालनाstamp, walk over, squash
31Surgingpowerfulबढ़ रहा हैcascade, spill, overflow
32Sootherelax, comfortशांत करनाcalm, propitiate, assuage
33Pleadedrequestedनिवेदन कियाplead, propound, court
34Doublepitched strain: usage of a lot of forceप्रतिरूपreplica, model, representation
35Borecarriedबेधनाimpale, transpierce, penetrate
36Reiteratedrepeatedदोहराया गयाrestate, retell, recapitulate
37Disconsolatevery unhappy and unable to be comfortedनिराशfrustrated, hopeless, desperate
38Chargea person or thing entrusted to the care of someoneदायित्व सौंपनाlevy, demand, exact
39Festivalday of celebrationत्यौहारholiday, feast, gala,
40Lanesnarrow roadsगलियाँstreet, alley
41Gailygayप्रसन्नता सेfain, rejoicingly, heartily
42Claddressedपहने हुएbushy, fleeced
43Humanitythe human raceमानवताmankind, human quality
44Bambooa tall plantबाँस का पेड़cane, rattan, wicker
45Bullock cartsoxen carriesबैलगाड़ी……….
46Obedientwilling to obeyआज्ञाकारीcompliant, dutiful, meek
47Murmureda low soundबुदबुदानाmumble, gabble, bubble
48Flappingto swingफड़फड़ानाbeating, winging, flying
49Tenderhave a tender heartकोमलsoft, downy, flabby
50Dragon fliesan insect with a long thin bodyलंबे पतले शरीर के साथ एक कीट………….
51Bustlingmoving here and thereहलचल
stir, ado                                                                    


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