CBSE  CLASS 10   BOARD  2024 ALL IMPORTANT  QUESTIONS  COVERS ALL TOPICS .PRACTICE AND GET FUL MARKS   CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Important MCQs - Gap Filling Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the wangala Festival of Meghalaya.  1. The Wangala (i) __________ festival for the Garo in Meghalaya, Assam and Nagaland. It is a postharvest festival (ii) __________ the end of the agricultural year. It is popularly known as ‘The Hundred Drums’ festival. During the signature dance, the leading warrior (iii) __________ with synchronised 7 dance steps and specific hand-head movements.  (i) (a) is important  ( b) are an important  (c) was the important  (d) is an important  (ii) (a) being celebrated for marking ( b) celebrated to mark ( c) celebrate to mark  (d) being celebrated for mark  (iii) (a) leads the youngsters ( b) lead the youngsters ( c) was leading the youngsters  (d) had led the youngsters  Answer: (i)  (d) is an important (ii) (b) celebrate

Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 CIVICS NOTES/MCQ &ALL IMP QUSTIONS


Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 (Notes) Civics

How do we assess democracy’s outcomes?

• Democracy is a better form of government because:
→ It promotes equality among citizens.
→ It enhances the dignity of the individual.
→ It improves the quality of decision-making.
→ It provides a method to resolve conflicts.
→ It allows room to correct mistakes.

Is the democratic government efficient?

• Non-democratic rulers do not have to bother about deliberation in assemblies or worry about majorities and public opinion.

• A democratic government will take more time to follow procedures before arriving at a decision.
→ Because it has followed procedures, its decisions may be both more acceptable to the people and more effective.


• A citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures can find this out. This is known as transparency.

Legitimate Government

• In democracy, governments are elected through a regular, free and fair elections. 

• Laws are made following proper procedures, after much discussion with the representatives of the people.

• If people feel that government has done something which goes against the Constitution, people can challenge it in the Judiciary.

Economic growth and development

 Between 1950 and 2000, dictatorships have slightly higher rate of economic growth. 

• Economic growth depends on various factors:
→ Size of the population of a country
→ Global situation
→ Co-operation from other countries
→ Economic policies adopted by the country

• However, the difference in the rates of economic development between less developed countries with dictatorships and democracies is negligible.

Reduction of inequality and poverty

• Democracies are based on political equality, but we find growing economic inequalities.

Accommodation of social diversity

• Democracy helps its citizens to lead a peaceful and harmonious life by accommodating various social divisions.

Dignity and freedom of the citizens

• Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of the individual.

Democracy - its examination never gets over

• A democracy is always striving towards a better goal. 

• People constantly demand more benefits in a democracy.

ALL IMPORTANT MCQ................................

1. Which one of the following is an example of outcomes of a democracy that produces an accountable government?
(a) Open to public debates on major policies and legislation
(b) Open in promoting economic development
(c) Open in reducing economic inequalities
(d) Open to rulers elected by the people

Answer: (a) Open to public debates on major policies and legislation

2. Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting
(a) economic growth
(b) dignity and freedom of the individual
(c) economic equality
(d) None of these

Answer: (b) dignity and freedom of the individual

3. Economic growth depends on which of the following?
(a) Size of the population of the country
(b) Territory or area of the country
(c) Global scenario
(d) Co-operation among various nations

Answer: (d) Co-operation among various nations

4. Which one of the following is the most popular form of government in the contemporary world?
(a) Dictatorship
(b) Monarchy
(c) Military rule
(d) Democracy

Answer: (d) Democracy

5. Which among the following countries is a perfect example of accommodation of social diversity?
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) Belgium
(c) Saudi Arabia
(d) Pakistan

Answer: (b) Belgium

6. Social outcomes cover the areas like

(i) Dignity and freedom of citizens
(ii) Untouchability and discrimination
(iii) Gender equality
(iv) Ban on child labour
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(b) (ii), (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i) only

Answer: (b) (ii), (i) and (iv)

7. Which one of the following features is common to most of the democracies?
(a) They have formal Constitution
(b) They hold regular elections
(c) They have political parties
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

8. Which of these values have the moral and legal sanctions in a democracy?
(a) Gender equality
(b) Caste-based equality
(c) Economic equality
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Answer: (d) Both (a) and (b)

9. The basic outcome of democracy is
(a) Political, social and economic outcome
(b) Military outcome
(c) Restricted and limited welfare policies.
(d) Elimination of poverty

Answer: (a) Political, social and economic outcome

10. In which one of the following countries is democracy not preferred over dictatorship?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Pakistan
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) India

Answer: (b) Pakistan

11. Why is the cost of time that democracy pays for arriving at a decision worthwhile?
(a) Decisions are taken following due procedures
(b) Decisions are always in favour of people
(c) Decisions are more likely to be acceptable to the people and more effective
(d) None of these

Answer: (c) Decisions are more likely to be acceptable to the people and more effective

12. If a government provides its citizens a right and means to examine the process of decision, it is
(a) An accountable government
(b) A responsible government
(c) A transparent government
(d) A stable government

Answer: (a) An accountable government

13. Which one of the following is not the way to resolve a conflict in a democracy?
(a) Mass mobilisation
(b) Using Parliament
(c) Doing justice
(d) Armed revolution

Answer: (d) Armed revolution

14. Decisions taken by which type of government are likely to be more acceptable to the people and more effective?
(a) Democratic government
(b) Non-democratic government
(c) Military dictatorship
(d) Theocracy

Answer: (a) Democratic government

15. What do democracies ensure regarding decision making?
(a) Process of transparency
(b) Decisions taken by the head of the country
(c) Decision by the Council of Ministers
(d) Restricted popular participation in decision making

Answer:(a) Process of transparency

16. Equal treatment of women’ is a necessary ingredient of a democratic society. This means that:
(a) women are actually always treated with respect.
(b) it is now easier for women to legally wage struggle for their rights.
(c) most societies across the world are now increasingly women dominated.
(d) women are now treated as equals in the political arena.

Answer: (b) it is now easier for women to legally wage struggle for their rights.

17. Which factor is often missing from a non-democratic government?
(a) Efficiency
(b) Effectiveness
(c) Transparency
(d) None of these

Answer: (c) Transparency

18. Which of the following is not true about democracy?
(а) It always worries about majorities and public opinion.
(b) It improves the quality of decision making.
(c) Decision making is faster and quicker.
(d) It allows a room to correct mistakes.

Answer:(c) Decision making is faster and quicker.

19. Democratic government is better than non-democratic because
(a) it is a legitimate form of government.
(b) overwhelming support for the idea all over the world.
(c) it leads to a just distribution of goods and opportunities.
(d) it ensures faster economic growth.

Answer: (a) it is a legitimate form of government.

20. Which regime usually develops a procedure to conduct social competition and reduce the possibility of social tension?
(a) Democratic regime
(b) Dictatorial regime
(c) Non-democratic regime
(d) None of these

Answer: (a) Democratic regime

21. A government that takes decision by following norms and a proper procedure is:
(a) An accountable government
(b) A responsible government
(c) A transparent government
(d) A stable government

Answer: (c) A transparent government

22. Consider the following statements. Which of these do not hold true for non-democratic regimes?
(a) These do not have to bother about public opinion.
(b) These take less time at arriving at a decision.
(c) Principle of individual dignity has legal force.
(d) These often suppress internal social differences.

Answer: (c) Principle of individual dignity has legal force.

23. Why is the cost of time that democracy pays for arriving at a decision worthwhile?
(a) Decisions are taken following due procedures
(b) Decisions are always in favour of people
(c) Decisions are more likely to be acceptable to the people and more effective
(d) None of these

Answer: (c) Decisions are more likely to be acceptable to the people and more effective

24. A democratic government is:
(a) An accountable government
(b) A responsive government
(c) A legitimate government
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

25. In a democracy, a citizen has the right and means to examine the process of decision making. This is known as
(a) Dictatorship
(b) Transparency
(c) Legitimacy
(d) Equality

Answer: (b) Transparency

26. In the context of democracies, which of the following ideas is correct? Democracies have successfully
(a) eliminated conflicts among people
(b) eliminated economic inequalities among people
(c) eliminated differences of opinion about how marginalised sections are to be treated
(d) rejected the idea of political inequality

Answer: (d) rejected the idea of political inequality

27. To measure democracies on the basis of expected outcomes, which of the following practices and institutions would one look for?
(a) Regular, free and fair elections
(b) Open public debate on major policies
(c) Citizens’ right to information about the government
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

28. In the context of democracies, what is successfully done by Democracies?
(a) Eliminated conflicts among people
(b) Eliminated economic inequalities among people
(c) Eliminated differences of opinion about how marginalised sections are to be treated
(d) Rejected the idea of political inequality

Answer: (d) Rejected the idea of political inequality

29. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the distribution of economic benefits in democracies?
(a) Incomes of both the rich and the poor have been increasing
(b) Incomes of both the rich and the poor have been declining
(c) Incomes of the rich have been increasing and those of the poor have been declining
(d) None of the above

Answer: (c) Incomes of the rich have been increasing and those of the poor have been declining

30. Which regimes often turn a blind eye to or suppress internal social differences?
(a) Democratic regimes
(b) Non-democratic regimes
(c) Monarchy
(d) Oligarchy

Answer: (b) Non-democratic regimes

Important Questions for CBSE Class 10 Political Science 

1. List the various aspects and qualifications which help in giving a clear definition of democracy.
Ans. 1. The rulers elected by the people must take all the major decisions
2. Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the existing rulers.
3. Choice and opportunity should be available to all the people on an equal basis
4. Besides political rights, some social and economical rights are offered to the citizens by the democracy.
5. Power sharing is the spirit of democracy and is necessary between government and social groups in a democracy.

2. “Democratic governments are better than its alternatives”. Explain the statement?
Ans. 1. Democratic government is a legitimate government
2. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive or clean. But it is the people’s own govt.
3. There is overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world ; in countries with democratic regimes as well as countries without democratic regimes.

3. How democracy accommodates social diversity?
Ans. 1. It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply rule by majority opinion. The majority always needs to work with the minority so that governments function to represent the general view.
2. It is also necessary that rule by majority does not become rule by majority community. In terms of religion, or race or linguistics groups. Rule by majority means that in case of every decision or in case of every election, different persons or groups may and can form a majority.
3. Democracy remains a democracy only as long as every citizen has a choice of living in majority, at some point of time.

4. How can we measure democracy on the basis of its expected outcome?
Ans. To measure a democracy on the basis of its expected outcomes we have to observe the following practices and institutions like
1. In a democracy free and fair elections should be there.
2. Open criticism and debate on major policies and legislations.
3. Citizens right to information about the functioning of government.
4. Whether the democracies are providing a fair chance to everyone, to participate in elections and decision making process.

5. What is meant by an accountable, responsive and legitimate government? Explain.
Ans. Accountable: A democratic government develops mechanism for citizens to take part in decision-making process. For this free and fair elections, open debate on major policies, legislation, Right to information- such rights are given to the citizens.
Responsive: Democracy is a responsive government. It is responsive towards the needs and expectations of the citizens. It takes care and makes policies for the welfare of the citizens.
Legitimate: A democratic government is a legitimate government. It is elected by the people and people wish to be ruled by the representatives elected by them.

6. “Any imperfection in the government functions is blamed on democracy”. Is it right?
Ans. Every individual expects a lot from democracy. Democracy is expected to solve all the socio-economic, political and economic problems of the country. Democracy is expected to give equality of status to every citizen. It is expected that there would not be any type of discrimination on ground of gender, race, religion or region. The reality is that everything is expected out of democracy. Any imperfection in any such area is termed as undemocratic. It should be realized that democracy is a form of government that creates conditions which will ensure quality of citizens before the law of the country. But the citizens have to know their rights and freedom and they should try to enforce them. A democratic set up does not ensure all the right policies. Individuals have to take advantage of the good conditions created by democracy and make good policies. Thus it is not right that any information in any area is thrown on democracy.

7. Why we felt that democracy is a better form of Government? Give reasons
Ans. 1. It promotes equality among citizens.
2. It enhances the dignity of the individuals.
3. It improves the quality of decision making
4. It provides a method to resolve conflict.
5. It allows room to correct mistake.

8. What outcomes can one reasonably expect of democracy?
Ans. 1. In the political sphere- Right to vote, Right to contest elections.
2. In the economic sphere-Minimized Economic inequalities.
3. In the Social sphere-Equal protection to women, SCs, STs, OBCs.

9. Are democracies based on political and economic equalities? Explain.
Ans. 1. All citizens have equal role in electing representatives.
2. Parallel to the process of bringing individuals into the political arena, we find growing economic inequalities.
3. Democracy does not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.
4. The ultra-rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth and income.

10. How is democratic government known as responsive government? Explain.
Ans. 1. It produces a government that is accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs of and expectations of the citizens.
2. Democracy is based on the idea of deliberations and negations.
3. Democratic government is attentive to the needs and demands of the people.
4. A government which is able to respond to grievance faster is able to avoid confrontation and provide good governance.

11. Why is democratic government known as legitimate government?
Ans. 1. A democratic government is called legitimate government because it is people’s own government.
2. There is an overwhelmingly support for the idea of democracy all over the world.
3. People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them.
4. Democratic government is attentive to the needs and demands of the people.

12. How does democracy accommodate social diversities?
Ans. 1. It reduced the possibility of tension.
2. It evolves mechanism to negotiate the differences.
3. It expands democratic rights to minority and weaker section of society.
4. It ensures the dignity and equal rights to all its citizens.

13. How democracies are based on political and economic equalities?
Ans. 1. All citizens have equal role in electing representatives.
2. Parallel to the process of bringing individuals into political arena, we find growing economic inequalities.
3. Democracy does not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.
4. The ultra rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth and income.
5. At the bottom of the society, the people have very little to depend on. It is very difficult to meet their basic needs of life, such as food, clothing, house, education and health.

14. How far it is correct to say that democracies have not been able to reduce poverty?
Ans. 1. The ability of democracy to achieve higher developments worries us.
2. Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities. Although majority of voters constitute the poverty ridden group, yet democratically elected government do not appear to be as keen to address the question of poverty as we would expect them to.
3. The situation is much worse in some other countries .People in several poor countries are now dependent on rich countries even for food.

15. List any three reasons in support of the statement that democratic government is better than its alternatives.
Ans. 1. A democratic government is people’s own government. That is why it receives overwhelming support from all over the world.
2. People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them.
3. Democratic government is legitimate government.
4. Democracy’s ability to generate its own support is itself an outcome that cannot ignored.

16. “Transparency is the most important feature of democracy.” Analyze.
Ans. 1. Democracy ensures that decision-making will be based on norms and procedures.
2. So, citizens who want to know if a decision was taken through correct procedures can find this out.
3.The people have the right and the means to examine the process of decision-making. This is all what transparency is meant for.

17. Why is it said that democracies are not free from evils? Explain.
Ans. 1. Most democracies fall short of elections that provide a fair chance to everyone and in subjecting every decision to public debates.
2. Democratic governments do not have a very good record when it comes to sharing information with citizens.
3. Democracies often frustrate the needs of the people and often ignore the demands of a majority of it population.

18. ‘Democracies always respond to the needs of people’. Analyze the statement..
Ans. 1. In a democracy the government is known a responsive government as it responds to the needs of the people.
2. A non democratic government may and can respond to the people’s needs, but it all depends on the wishes of the people who rule.
3. A democracy requires that the rulers have to attend to the needs of people. A democratic government is a better government because it is a more accountable form of government.
4. In a democracy there is always a space for public discussion and a room for correction.

19. Do you agree with the outcome of democracy that it proves to be a better government regarding economic growth of a country? Explain.
Ans. 1. It is true that during last 50 years dictatorship have shown slightly higher rate of economic growth in comparison to many democracies.
2. But we all know that there are many other factors that determine that economic growth of a country like- population size, global situation, cooperation from other countries, economic priorities adopted by the country etc.
3. So even when there is nominal difference in the rate of economic growth between countries under dictatorship and democracy, it is better to prefer democracy as it has several other positive outcomes like dignity and freedom of citizens.

20. Why is a democratic government considered less efficient? Give any three reasons.
Ans. 1. Deliberations and discussions in the legislature consume lot of time.
2. The fear of majority and public opinion is a big obstacle in the efficient working of the government.
3. Deliberations and negations cause delay in taking decisions or getting the plans executed. This also adversely affects efficiency.

21. Has democracy led to the development, security and dignity of the people?
Ans. Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government. Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of the individuals. The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy. This has been achieved in various degrees in various democracies. We can take the case of dignity of women. Most societies across the world were historically male dominated societies. Long struggles by women have created some sensitivity today. On the other hand, in non-democracies, individual freedom would not have legal and moral support. Democracies in India have also strengthened the claims of the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunities. Perhaps it is the recognition that makes ordinary citizens values their democratic rights.

22. ‘It is said that democracy is a rule of the majority. The poor are in majority. So democracy must be a rule of the poor’. Justify the answer with suitable arguments.
Ans. No it is not justified, because the rule of majority does not mean the rule of people who are in majority in number. If the number of poor people in India is more it does not mean that the rule should be of poor. The majority means that the rule of majority government. The political party who won maximum number of seats can form government if political party is able to prove its majority in the house.

23. What do you mean by civil liberties?
Ans. 1. Freedom of speech and expression.
2. Freedom of religion and thought.
3. Freedom to form association and freedom to move.
4. Legal liberty or freedom to a fair trial.

24. Why do people prefer democracy? Explain with four reasons.
Ans. 1. Democracy promotes equality among citizens.
2. Democracy enhances dignity of individuals.
3. Quality involves in decision making.
4. Democracy provides acceptable method to resolve conflict.

25. How does democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens in political sphere?
Ans. 1. Democracy provides a conducive political environment to citizens for their popular participation in politics
2. Every adult citizen has the right to vote and right to contest.
3. Every citizen can form political party.

26. How does democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens in economic sphere?
Ans. 1. Democracy stands for equal economic status to all citizens.
2. In democracy every citizen has right to do any profession.
3. In democracy government undertakes extensive social welfare schemes and achieve universal economic growth rate.
4. Democracy government took so many welfare schemes to remove poverty.

27. How does democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens in social sphere?
Ans. 1. Democratic government tries to resolve differences, respect differences and try mechanism which can negotiate differences.
2. It is also a form of society as well as a social order which promotes dignity and freedom of the individual.

28. Explain the characteristics of Democracy?
Ans. 1. Elected representatives
2. Elections
3. Civil liberties
4. Rules of law
5. Independent judiciary
6. Organized opposition parties
7. Freedom of religion of culture

29. Describe the features of dictatorship?
Ans. Following features can be explained-
1. Monopoly of powers.
2. One party
3. Faith in force
4. Emphasis on duty and discipline
5. Belief in racial superiority

30. “Democracy is better than any other form of government.” Give arguments in favors of this statement Or Explain the merits of democracy.
Ans. Democracy is considered to be the best form of government and most of the countries in the world have adopted it. Following are the merits of democracy-
1. It safeguards the interest of the people
2. Based on the principle of equality
3. Possibility in administration
4. Political education to the people
5. Little chance of revolution
6. Based on public opinion
7. Helps people to become good citizens
8. Accommodate all diversities and differences.




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